Non-NHS Services




Some services provided are not covered under our contract with the NHS and therefore attract charges. Examples include the following:

  • Medicals for pre-employment, sports and driving requirements (HGV, PSV etc.)
  • Insurance claim forms
  • Passport signing
  • Prescriptions for taking medication abroad
  • Private sick notes
  • Vaccination certificates

The fees charged are based on the British Medical Association (BMA) suggested scales and our reception staff will be happy to advise you about them along with appointment availability.


Please see below a table with the detailed list of fees for non NHS services:

Access to Medical Records under GDPR

Copy of records (computerised only) encrypted NHS mail if no other choice) Free
Patient viewing records at the practice Free
Copy of paper records Free
Combination of paper and computer records Free

Adoption and Fostering

Adoption and Fostering forms C, D, YP or AME - full medical assessment of child 88.70
Adoption and Fostering form AH - Adult health Report, prospective carer*** 40.00
Adoption and Fostering form AH2 - Updated Adult Health report, patient/carer*** 30.00
Childminder - Ofsted health declaration form 30.00


Private medical certificate (within the first 7 days) 20.00
Self-certificate (within the first 7 days) Free
Private prescription Free
Fitness to...Certificate e.g. travel, fly, exercise/gym, etc 25.00

Disability and Benefits

Blue badge report only 30.00
Blue badge form and examination 40.00
"PIP (DWP Personal Independence Payment), Disability Living Allowance, Form DS1500, Attendance allowance - Examination and Report" 35.00
Job Centre - Employment support allowance Free
Universal Credit questionnaire Free
Job Centre - Capability for work Free


DVLA - Driving licence signature (Photocard) n/a
DVLA - Driving licence questionnaire no examination 40.00
DVLA - Driving licence questionnaire with examination 100.00
TFL - London taxi and private hire - medical and report 100.00
TFL - Additional information 50.00
PCV/LGV Driver 100.00


Life Insurance report (no examination, paid for by the Insurance Company) 104.00
Supplementary insurance reports (additional information requests) 30.00
Compensation claim (CICA form) 40.00
Private Medical Insurance claim form (Patient) 25.00
Private Medical Insurance claim form (Insurance company) 1 page 30.00
Private Medical Insurance claim form (Insurance company) 2 pages 60.00
Holiday Cancellation Forms 30.00

Letters / Forms

Support Letter / Character reference - statement of fact 25.00
Housing report (At the formal request of the Housing office) 25.00

Detailed letters (usually for solicitors)

  • letter 1/2 paragraph
  • letter 1 paragraph
  • letter 1 page
  • letter 2 pages


  • 35.00
  • 60.00
  • 100.00
  • 135.00
Witnessing power of attorney 32.00
Medical History Report 65.00
Passport countersignature n/a


Army medicals 80.00
Pre-employment medicals & report  80.00

Paternity testing

Making arrangements and taking a sample e.g. DNA, saliva, swab test, hair sample 40.00

Specialist examinations

Coroner’s work - post mortem/special examinations and report. But see also statutory services in PN 701/57 - coroners report 66.00
Coroner’s work - post mortem/special examinations and report. But see also statutory services in PN 701/57 - extract from medical report 30.00
Psychiatric examinations - required to enable person to be treated under Mental Health Act 50.00

Vaccination and immunisation for travel abroad

Hepatitis B vaccine per dose for travel purposes 40.00
Combined Hep A & B vaccine per dose for travel purposes 40.00
Yellow Fever + certificate 65.00
Meningitis certificate 30.00
Menveo per dose 30.00


Any other report (not listed) 30.00
Citizenship n/a
  • *** the fee specified on the form may be higher and if so this rate will be charged
  • n/a - we do not offer this service

LGV/(HGV) Medicals - Vision

The vision regulations have changed for professional drivers who wear spectacles (not contact lenses) when driving. You now have to bring along to the medical assessment an opticians prescription which is dated within 4 months of the date of the medical. If you do not have one you can see an optician after the medical, who will complete the first page of the D4 form.

The visual acuity criteria, which are measured during the medical assessment, have also changed. The better eye must have slightly improved vision (6/7.5) than before but the worst eye can now have much poorer vision (6/60) than before the changes.


Do not expect your GP to process forms overnight.

Normally, we will try to complete all requests within 40 working days.

If you require a medical you may have to wait up to two weeks for an appointment.


Isn’t the NHS supposed to be free?

The National Health Service (NHS) provides most health care to most people. There are exceptions; when the service is not covered by the NHS; examples of non-NHS services for which GPs can charge their NHS patients are: accident/sickness insurance certificates, certain travel vaccinations and private medical reports.

Additionally GPs can also charge other institutions for non-NHS services, these can include: medical reports for an insurance company, some reports for DSS/Benefits Agency and examinations of company employees.

It is important to understand that GPs are not employed by the NHS, they are self-employed and operate as any other small business. You will be charged a fee which will reflect both the doctor’s time to carry out the service and the stationary and consumables.

This web page tells you what you will be charged for the most common non-NHS services. If a service is not included on this list you will be charged appropriately, this will however be mention to you in the first instance.


Why does it sometimes take my GP a long time to complete my form?

Time spent completing forms and preparing reports takes the GP away from the medical care of his or her patients. Most GPs have a very heavy workload and paperwork takes up an increasing amount of their time.


I only need the doctor’s signature – what is the problem?

When a doctors signs a certificate or report, it is a condition of the Medical Register that they only sign what they know to be true. In order to complete even the simplest of forms the doctor might have to read the patients entire medical record.